Sunday, April 24, 2011

Decision Points: and I thought cooking was stressful

For today's entree I decided to go non-conventional.

In all my 10 fabulous years of cooking, I thought I had the most stressful job in the world. Working in a high heat environment, sweating like a pig, smelling like a combination of marinara sauce and vomit. Arguing early in the morning with various purveyors for better prices, having my competitors restaurants fax me their daily menu, dealing with staff and customers. It just didn't seem like anyone had a more stressful time.

Enter 2008.
I started working for an airline where the highlight of my "stress" would be how to pour a diet coke. I wanted out of the restaurant business after a few botched attempts with relationships that thought I was overly obsessed with my job.
I enjoyed this non-challenging peanut brain job for about 4 months. Then I got bored. So the thought of returning to the kitchen occurred to me, but then  I remembered the good and the bad .... but mostly the bad. I figured I have to do something else with my life, something challenging.

So I started school at a local community college, got my AA in liberal arts while working for a major airline. I then transferred to a 4 year big boy college to get my bachelors in "Media Studies" (it was the easiest major according to my guidance councilor so I went for it).

Today we are in 2011, and I will be graduating May 18th from A NYC College. My attempt at landing an internship is so far proving to be unsuccessful and my internship advisor advised me to "dumb down" my resume.

Enter plan B

I have always toyed with the idea of going to law school, it was always in the back of my mind, especially since I sued my former boss and won some $$. I spoke like a champion in court, wearing a suit and tie, addressing the judge with words like "your honor" and "I object".
My dad happened to be there in court with me just in case my former boss tried to "put a hit out on me".
Even though I have struggled to maintain a good relationship with my father, the way his eyes glowed when I walked out the courtroom. He had a smile from ear to ear, I could finally see what he was proud of, what he wanted his son to be. He never said anything but "good job" to me. But to my mom he raved later (at least according to her). He told her he was so proud of me, and how professional I was and how well i spoke.

So anyway back to the topic.
I've been thinking of going to law school now that my media career doesn't seem to be blasting off. I consulted with my News Analysis and Journalism adviser, who is also a retired lawyer, and she told me that being a lawyer is written all over me and I should pursue it full force.
So I'm thinking I'm gonna go ahead with it. But I can't lie, school, work, decisions has put a huge burden on my social life. I seem to have none of that left. The stress of taking out huge loans, going into a field I know little about and working in a job I'm not sure I'm even going to like, all while devoting 3 years of my life, so at 31 i'll be a lawyer and I may love or hate my job but have to stick with it.


Now that's stress.

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