Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The lost definition of a "Chef" due to new media

My new rant is about the word "Chef" being tossed around like every amateur likes to call himself a chef. When I was brought into this industry, earning the title of "Chef" was nothing but sweat blood and tears. One would be hopeful to finally work his way up from dishwasher, to prep cook, to line cook, to sous chef and finally executive chef

The term Chef has such a strong meaning to me and the other old-schoolers (or whats left of them, thanks food network you @$#%@$%$%@$#%4). Chef means you have mastered all the aspects of running the kitchen. Everything from food cost, to recipes, to working under extreme pressure, to peeling a box of potatoes in record speed, to maniac infatuation with your competitors and your food, eating living and breathing all aspects of your baby, your restaurant. So many countless nights I have been in my dungeon of a kitchen at the various restaurants i've worked at. So many nights where I would work till midnight then go home, only to return at 3am because I just thought of a recipe in my head and how it might be amazing so i go and experiment.

The dreaded food network and youtube in part is why I am frustrated with people throwing around the word Chef. It's as if everyone can call themselves a doctor because they visited earthclinic.com
Food Network and YouTube, allowed viewers their chance to shine and learn recipes from cooking amateurs that did a few favors to make it on tv. I have no respect for most of them.

Thoughts on Risotto.

I am one of the best Risotto makers out there and I can say that with pride(so can TimeOut Miami, per when I was the sous chef of talula restaurant in South Beach and the magazine dubbed me "Risotto King"
Risotto is a love process
you have to feel when its just right to add the liquid to the rice
slowly stirring with a wooden spoon
having a heavy bottomed pot
doing each order a la minute (20 mins average per order)
you have to put love in it, constantly adjusting the flavor, adding ingredients to modify it... and finally finishing it with lime zest and rock shrimp, or lobster, or mushrooms and truffle oil, whatever you fancy. and dont forget to ADD BUTTER ! the end result is a not too stiff yet not to runny product which tastes like heaven dancing on your tastebuds. perfectly al dente.

There I'm done with my rant. Fucking Cheers !

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