Monday, December 19, 2011

New Idea !

So I'm trying something new today. I'm going to blog every day until I find a job that doesn't involve cooking and hopefully will let me put my super-useful media studies bachelors degree to work. So today was day one, I applied to 60 jobs today on Monster, Careerbuilder, Mandy, Media Bistro, Craigslist, Container Store, and Apple. Yes Apple. I also just finished the last morsels of Ben and Jerrys Red velvet cake Ice cream because I was hungry but too lazy to cook at home. I'm still considering going to real estate school even though I'm not really sure I'll make any money off of that. Heres to hoping. I defrosted chicken in the fridge overnight 3 days ago, I'm gonna smell it and see if I can make stew.... if not its ramen tonight because I'm too poor to afford anything else at the moment. I hope one day I'll be able to look back at these posts and laugh. That picture above you is me, yesterday, at The Sands, Atlantic beach, working as a chef for a catering company. The original picture was me serious and got bad responses from Facebook so I uploaded a "smiling version". Cheers

Friday, December 16, 2011

Why am I doomed to stay in the restaurant industry forever

I don't care if anyone reads this. I graduated college in July of 2011. I got an internship at a great place editing videos and thought I found my future. After a while they moved me to the night shift which I found miserable so I quit. I thought I could find another job during the day in minutes, I mean thats the point of having a college degree right? WRONG!

I ended up working at some shithole restaurant called Grill Point in Queens. Yes after having a college degree the only place I could get a job was back cooking. I endured that for 3 months before I realized I am not using my college degree and just settling. Since working at Grill Point I have been submitting 60 resumes a day to no success, I finally had an interview with enterprise rent a car. The interview started over the phone which I passed with flying colors. The interview continued to meet with the recruiter which also went very well and gave me the impression I was hired for this piece of shit 30k a year job. Apparently there was one more interview with a cock sucking asshole area manager. I thought I did well on that interview too but I received an email two days later saying after careful consideration we will be pursuing other candidates for the job. What the fuck, was my managerial experience or customer service experience not enough. Im going broke and I really don't want to go back into the kitchen but to be honest there is something against all odds that drags me back into this misery. Is it the creative freedom? is it the passion for perfectionism I have? Is it the love of food? I don't know but for some reason its a constant tingling that won't go away. My biggest problem is I know if I put my head down finally and dedicate myself to it I can be good, very very good. I just need to sharpen my skills a bit and I will have reviewers write about me for years to come. But then comes the negative. I will be working 80 hours a week for pay thats less than good.
 Slaving over hot stoves cuts and burns all over and constantly pissed off at the 9-5ers. I wanna go to work in a suit and tie but corporate america keeps rejecting me. I hate everyone so much right now. Please feedback if you can, any guidance helps